Get On Board Day Fall 2022
Tuesday, August 30 2022 at 5:00 PM CDT to
Tuesday, August 30 2022 at 9:00 PM CDT
The University of Alabama Quad
UPDATE: Due to inclement weather on the originally planned GOBD date, we have rescheduled this event to Tuesday, August 30th on the Quad. See you there!!
Get On Board Day (GOBD) is a major tradition at The University of Alabama that you don't want to miss! During GOBD, hundreds of student organizations, UA departments, and community vendors set up tables to show what their organization has to offer. If you're interested in joining clubs or just love free stuff and free food, GOBD is the place for you.
Get On Board Day is the signature involvement event for any student who wants to get involved on campus. When you come to GOBD, plan to explore the entire event and meet lots of new new people!