Student Organization Travel Activity Form

General Information

Petition for Student Organization International Travel

The University of Alabama supports the student organizations and the integral role that they play in enhancing the college experience through active engagement in learning opportunities.  In an effort to assist student organizations with travel needs, the University of Alabama has established travel policies and related procedures.

Any international trips away from campus sponsored by student organizations must be registered on the Student Organization Travel Activity Form through the Office of Student Involvement via mySOURCE.  The Student Organization Travel Policy and procedures constitutes the governance of travel to reach an activity, event, or experience that is sponsored by a recognized student organization at The University of Alabama.  All student organizations must comply with the requirements for travel as outlined in this policy and the related procedures.

Additionally, the COVID-19 global pandemic is still impacting daily life and international travel. Please answer the following questions you will see in this form regarding COVID-19 and your registered student organization’s international program destination(s). Once the form is complete and submitted, the information will be reviewed by Student Involvement, Education Abroad, and UA’s International Travel Advisory Committee for possible approval. This form should be completed 90 days prior to travel, unless otherwise permitted by the committee. 

Questions about this form and international risk management policies and procedures may be directed to Teneshia Arnold, Director of Student Involvement or Chad Berry, Associate Director for International Health, Safety & Risk Management,

General Policies & Procedures

As a general rule, it is recommended that:

  • the travel relates to the purpose of the organization and complies with the policies of the University of Alabama. 
  • The purpose of student organization travel and transportation to and from the event is reviewed and authorized by the group's advisor, group's treasurer (if organization monies are being utilized), or any other executive members noted in the constitution as critical in mission execution (i.e.- president, vp)
  • It is recommended that representatives from the Office of Risk Management, Education Abroad, and/or University Recreation (via the approval methods provided by UA) review travel plans prior to travel. 
  • The student organization must also designate a member to serve as the trip coordinator who is responsible for completing trip information on the Petition for Student Organization Travel Activity Form
  • Review the timelines associated with approving travel before beginning this process

All University of Alabama students pursuing registered student organization travel abroad are required to adhere to the policies and guidelines set forth by the University’s International Travel Policy.